
Um Hi


from Wikipedia:

“Judy Norton

(born January 29, 1958)is an American actress and theater director who is best known for her role as Mary Ellen Walton on The Waltons television series and subsequent Waltons TV movies.
She was born in Santa Monica, California. She married Douglas Taylor in 1976 at the age of 18; the marriage ended in divorce in 1978. She then married former football player Lynn Hughes whom she later divorced.

Norton posed nude for a 1985 issue of Playboy

in a bid to shed her “goody-goody Waltons image”.

Norton has been writing, directing and starring in movies and theater. She also is a singer, and an avid athlete.”

“I’ll wham you!”

Judy had no film or television work from 1985 to 1992.

Nurse Judy




Years Active 1991-1996


Brie as Patty

More other Patty

Um hi

Peggy Sue


“Patty McCormack


originated the role of Rhoda Penmark, an eight-year-old psychopath and fledgling serial killer, in the original stage version of Maxwell Anderson’s The Bad Seed

(1954) with Nancy Kelly. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the film version (1956). She portrayed Helen Keller in the original 1957 Playhouse 90 production of William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker opposite Teresa Wright.”

“The Miracle Worker (1959) with Patty Duke is a three-act play by William Gibson adapted from his 1957 Playhouse 90 teleplay of the same name with Patty McCormack. It was based on Helen Keller’s 1903 autobiography The Story of My Life.”

I’ve been thinking of the two Pattys as rivals for quite some time, and it appears to be really true.

Patty Duke in the movie “4DMan”.


Brie as Patty:

Patty Lane

Brie as Shirley:







Um hi


Sixth grade in the San Fernando Valley, somewhere adjacent to Panorama City, the year end Holidays nearing, M

(cutest girl in the school by far) is actually talking to me! On one side of the classroom there is a sign saying “Merry Christmas” ,while on the other, another reads “Happy Hanukkah”. In the not too distant future the demographics of the area would change drastically, with other people moving into this wonderful place. Anyway, somehow I drew M for a present. She is telling me just to get one of those plastic gizmos with 4 prongs on it that you pull yarn through, which can be obtained at the Nahas store (no longer exists!), while I’m thinking “Anything for you I will not disappoint.”
So, my divorced mom, who drove a T-bird sometimes with the (car’s) top off, took me to Nahas. I was intent on buying M the plastic device, but mom spotted a charm bracelet,

charm bracelet

and said it would be a much better present. I was worried about not following M’s exact instructions, but when she received the gift, she seemed delighted.

I never skipped any grades, but somehow my mom talked Kindergarten into accepting me sooner than they really wanted to. Third and Fourth grade in Military School wearing a uniform, while going past M’s house in a bus. This is the only private school of any type I ever attended. Sometime in the 1970s the Military school became a coeducational private school. Now its just a pile of rubble according to the Google satellite. Back to the public school to finish fifth and sixth grades.
Back then the mighty Public school system ruled the world, it was really something to behold.

I would soon disappear from M’s life forever, because not long after the Holidays, I went to Northern Ca to live on my father’s ranch, finishing up the sixth grade.

Brie as Shirley:

Brie as Patty:


“Cherri seeks nice black men in the Peoria Illinois area for frequent sex in front of her husband’s camera.”


and Brie



um hi

Shirley Saddle Shoes


Tracy Love wearing a pinafore for “Kelly the Coed 3”

From hotmovies.com:

“Aliases: Tracey Love, Tracy Luv
Years Active: 1994 – 2000
Born: May 1st 1971 / Taurus
Birth Place: Russia
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5ft 2in
Typical Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Tracy Love
Porn Star Biography for Tracey Love

Tracey Love is a blonde, compact, petite Russian porn starlet and feature dancer, known for her energetic performances. Before entering the adult film world, Tracey had dreams of making it big as an actress in Hollywood. So, she eventually made the trek to Hollywood. Once Tracey arrived, she took up some odd jobs like waitressing and being a receptionist. Eventually, Tracey realized that these jobs weren’t enough to get by, so she began exotic dancing at several local strip clubs in Los Angeles. While dancing, she met and befriended porn star Misty Rain. Thanks to the influence of Misty, Tracey decided to enter the adult film world in 1995.

Tracey’s career in the industry spanned from 1995 to 2000 and she was featured in over 100 different adult titles. As a testament to her popularity, she worked with some of the industry’s most popular studios like Mile High, Vivid, Adam & Eve, Elegant Angel, Wicked Pictures, and Rosebud. Love’s filmography contains many anal titles, but she’s worked in plenty of DP, Ass 2 Mouth, and Interracial films as well. In one of Tracey’s first films, she put in a dynamic performance in 1996’sNaked & Nasty with veteran and legendary stud Peter North. Tracey’s petite size was a perfect fit for her role in Spinners 2 where she teamed up with Jay Ashley.
Tracey’s Fun Facts

Tracey takes pride in being an active woman and she loves going for long rides on her mountain bike or taking long jogs along the beach.

Love’s favorite cuisine is Japanese food.

Tracey is a big fan of Blues, Classical and Jazz music.”

Tracy with Max Hardcore:





Peggy Sue


Brie as Patty:

Patty Lane


Brie as Shirley:



Frilly bobby socks Seattle Jasmine Johnson:

Jasmine Johnson

More recently

um hi




Back when I was still working, not too long ago, there were buddies, girlfriends, relatives, and stooges!

Now that I am retired there are deadbeats, galoots, sad sacks, and misers!

This from the movie “A face in the crowd”:

“Red necks, crackers, shut-ins, pea pickers!”

“A Face in the Crowd is a 1957 American drama film starring Andy Griffith (in his film debut), Patricia Neal

and Walter Matthau, directed by Elia Kazan. The screenplay is by Budd Schulberg and is based on his short story “Your Arkansas Traveler”, from the collection Some Faces in the Crowd (1953).

The story centers on Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes, a drifter who is discovered by the producer (Neal) of a small-market radio program in rural northeast Arkansas. Rhodes ultimately rises to great fame and influence on national television. The character was inspired by Schulberg’s acquaintance with Will Rogers Jr. The successes of Arthur Godfrey and Tennessee Ernie Ford were also acknowledged in the screenplay.

The film launched Griffith into stardom but got mixed reviews upon its original release. Later decades have seen favorable reappraisals of the movie, and in 2008 it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”.

Lee Remick was also in the movie as a majorette:


The Patty Duke Show:




Rebecca Starr ultimate bobby-soxer:

No one out bobby socks Rebecca!

Rebecca Starr


Nylonsissislut: “Wow hot nice Boy Girl”


Julie77: “Brie, I want to eat your hot ass sweetie!”



Jezaree Robs demonstrates the poodle skirt:




Elisabeth Moss wearing a bikini:

Elisabeth Moss

& Brie



Agness new wedgie shoes:




Brie memes:

& Shirley Brie:


Um hi




All little girls love their dollies!

Story about twenty year old Ashley :

Mommy forced me into this! – Part 1 of 3


When a woman has an overwhelming desire to dominate and humiliate a boy! Sometimes you

just have to take things into your own hands and force the issue!

I want to completely dominate and humiliate a boy!

“But honey? Don’t you want to look all pretty and Christmas spirited?” Mary asked

stifling her giggles as she saw Ashley nervously twisting and pulling on his cute little

Xmas outfit.

“Yes Mommy,” he sighed though it was obvious to them both that he neither wanted to

look pretty nor Christmas spirited as Mommy continued to take picture after picture of

her precious little one. Not that he had any choice in the matter of course!

“And for heavens sake child quit pulling on your skirt. It’s not going to get any


“But my diaper and panty will be seen,” he complained unhappily.

“I know,” she said giggling openly now. “It just makes you look even more angelic,” as

Ashley sighed in quiet resignation. She so loved prettifying and humiliating him!

Of course it hadn’t always been this way. Last Spring they’d been a more or less normal

dating couple. If by normal you meant Mary being twelve years his senior, half a foot

taller, much more muscular and very outgoing while making all the dating decisions?

While Ashley was so small, frail and pretty for his age of twenty that he looked more

like a young teenager and so introverted that it was Mary who had approached him and

asked him out for that very first date!

He had found himself blushing profusely at the time and had tried to decline knowing

that this beautiful older woman was waaaay out of his league but she had refused to take

no for an answer. Finding his blushing and timidity just soooo utterly sweet and

adorable and giving him no chance to refuse. She had simply taken over telling him when

to get ready, what to wear, picking him up in her fancy convertible and and paying for

the expensive restaurant that she had already picked out. Then afterwards pinning him

up against his door jam as she groped his butt and fondled his crotch all the while

deeply french kissing him as he femininely submitted. Then left him shakily standing

and stunned with the promise that he would be her date from now on!

While being a bit embarrassing with him more or less playing the female role in their

relationship. It had also been enormously exciting and enjoyable over the next couple

of months as Mary had introduced him to a world that he had never known from wild gay

night clubs where she had encouraged him to shake his booty to small intimate moments

like mini-golf with her leaning over him teaching him how to putt or sitting quietly on

a park ledge with her legs wrapped around his and his head nestled in her bosom as she

told him never to be ashamed of being small or pretty as she preferred him this way!

“You’re my pretty little baby now,” she had cooed into his ear. “Never you forget

that,” as he had happily agreed. Perhaps it was just as well back then that he didn’t

realize just how literally she might mean that?

The changes had been subtle at first but as the days got warmer she began to encourage

him to ditch his pants in favour of baggy shorts so as not to hide his utterly cute and

pretty little legs. Then took it a step further by arranging a complete pedicure and

body hair removal to get rid of all those nasty boy hairs followed by having her salon

colour his hair into a Beach Babe blond look and a far too feminine cut!

He had complained of course but she had laughed it off saying that it was all the rage

among young male surfers but when he had looked into the mirror what he had seen was

more of a shy teenage girl than a burly male surfer!

After that the changes had come fast and furious. She insisted that he upgrade his

wardrobe to a more modern and sophisticated style and had followed that up by a

wholesale purge of his closets and dressers as favourite item after favourite item were

deemed too boring, too old fashioned or just plain grungy and he was forced to box them

up for immediate disposal much to his great despair.

This being followed by long shopping trips to out of the way boutiques and specialty

stores that he had never heard of that looked more like teen punk and trendy girls

stores though Mary had insisted that they were actually unisex shops and very in among

the male rocker crowd.

And before long his old baggy jeans were being replaced with designer jeans in baby

blues and pink that were claimed to be the in thing in Europe this year or worse still,

denim spandex jeans so tight and compressed in the crotch that he looked more like a

girl than a boy making him once again wish that he could have been a bigger man like his

father rather than his pathetic little boy self. Though Mary insisted that he looked

just fine.

After that everything else soon followed as old tank tops were replaced with silky

nylon, polos with cotton and silk that looked more like blouses and shorts that were

either so baggy that they could have been mistaken for skirts or else so tight that they

could have passed as feminine short-shorts. Each appearing more humiliating to his eyes

than the previous ones though the store staffs who all seemed to be acquainted with Mary

insisted that this silky violet blouse was all the rage on Carnaby Street or that pink

cut off top that bared his belly was the must have thing this summer on the French


Nor did it end with his outer clothing either and soon his undershirts were also being

ditched in favour of silk and nylon camisoles, boxers and tidy whites with seamless low

rise briefs and bikinis in both cottons and semi-sheer nylons ranging all the way from

jet blacks to pale pinks! His wardrobe looking more and more like it should belong to

his cousin Beverly rather than to himself?

Mary had even insisted on cute little matching unisex socks and running shoes that

wouldn’t have been out of place on any young girl. It being soooo very embarrassing as

they left the last store with Ashley looking more like a teen girl than a 20’s boy

though everybody insisted he was very trendy!

Of course by now he had no choice but to wear them as Mary had practically disposed of

everything else and eventually he had learned to ignore the stares and giggles when they

went out in public or the bullying when he was alone though his father wasn’t too

pleased with how he now looked and his mother just thought he was going through a phase.

It might have ended right then and there with no further escalations but by sheer bad

luck or was it good? Ashley’s employer had suddenly gone bankrupt with no advance

warning and with his monthly rent check due that very night…..? Luckily Mary had

offered a solution.

“Why don’t you ditch the apartment and move in with me,” she had asked?

“Are you serious?” He was shocked. On the one hand it would save his bacon and

anything she offered would be a much better choice than what he had now but on the other

if she was this dominant with him now? What would it be like with him being completely

at her mercy? Still he didn’t have much choice and definitely didn’t want to end up on

the streets especially dressed like this?

“I accept,” he simply said.

It worked out pretty well at first. Even her smallest guest bedroom was palatial by his

standards and she did deeply care about him though in her very own dominating way. And

within a few weeks they had become a defacto couple with Ashley more or less living the

role of a live-in maid and a spouse doing the cooking, cleaning and other wifely duties.

Then one day it all changed.

“Sit down Ashley,” she had said with a grave tone in her voice and a very serious look

in her eyes. “We have to talk!”

“Did…, did I do something wrong,” he nervously asked? She looked so ominously quiet!

“No,” she sighed. “I did!”

“What…?” He was scared now. Very scared. He had met her family, her parents’ Donna

and Frank, her younger sisters’ Patty and Marcy and they had not even batted an eye at

the way he was dressed. In fact they had accepted him fully as Mary’s partner and

hadn’t even shown surprise at her complete dominance as he served drinks and snacks. Of

course her entire family were also very dominant personalities themselves from her

twenty five year old sister Patty who seemed to fully approve of Mary’s choice right

down to her teen sister Marcy who had ordered him around without so much as a second

thought. So perhaps they had expected it? So what was the problem then? He had come

to love being dominated and told what to do by Mary.

“I…., I haven’t been completely straight with you,” she said quietly. “I have a

fetish. A very strong fetish in which I want to completely dominate a boy!”

“I know,” he said “and I don’t mind.”

“It’s more than that,” she replied with a sad tone in her voice. “I’ve completely

fallen in love with my dear little Ashley and I want to take you as my wife!”

“But…, but that’s a good thing! I love you dearly as well! I’d be happy to pretend

to be your wife around the house. Heck for all practical purposes I already am except

for wearing a dress and calling myself Mrs. and if my parents can’t accept that it’s a

sacrifice I’m willing to make!”

“Thank you Dear Ashley,” she said tears now rolling down her face. He had never seen her

nervous and vulnerable like this and it scared him.

“But that’s just it. I literally want you to be my wife! I want to see you every day

always in pretty little dresses and panties. I want to wake up every morning and see

you submissively curled up next to me in an ultra sexy little nightie! Or perhaps on

occasion even tied up in a wee little bit of bondage as well? Looking all cute and

adorable with pleading eyes waiting for me to untie you! Or primping in the mirror

doing your makeup and making yourself look especially adorable just for me. And most

importantly of all I want to see you out in public with me passing as my gay wife with

only my family being the wiser. Are you willing to go that far?”

There was a haunted look in her eyes. A mixed look of utmost longing and sexual lust

combined with an equally strong look of dread and despair if he refused. She really

means it he realized in stunned silence! What was he prepared to do? What was he

prepared to sacrifice?

“I…., I don’t know,” he said. “I never thought through the complete ramifications.”

“There’s a little bit more as well,” she whispered. Her face starting to flush.

“More….,” he replied? What could possibly be more? What could possibly be that


“I…., I also want to be a Mommy!” Her face was now a blazing red! Wait…?


“Sure if you want though I’m not sure how we’d explain about me being a wife to any


“No you don’t understand. I want…, I want you to be my baby!” She finally blurted


“What…?” What in heck did that mean? He wondered in stunned surprise?

“I want to dominate you and humiliate you and at times force you into being my angelic

little girl child. I want to put you into adorable little baby dresses and see you

playing happily with your dollies or giggling babyishly to yourself as you fill in one

of your childish colouring books or squealing with delight as you run around in our

backyard in the frilliest little toddler dresses that I can find all the while being a

good little girl and calling me Mommy!”

Had she been fantasizing about this all this time he wondered to himself as he felt a

growing tightness developing between his thighs? His underwear that day being one of

his most humiliating ones consisting of tight nylon briefs in a pale pink that she had

insisted he wear because it perfectly matched with his pink camisole. It now explained

so much about why she had dressed him like this but not why his boy parts were

stiffening more than they had ever done before in his entire life! Is this turning me

on big time he wondered in growing amazement?

“I also want to dress you up as a cute little schoolgirl doing her homework or helping

her Mommy around the house,” she continued. “Or see you on occasion as the ultimate

little birthday princess, all sugar and spice with bows and ruffles and lace in the most

frilliest and juvenile dresses possible with cute multi ruffled panties peeking out

underneath as you blow out your candles and unwrap all of your new presents of dollies,

dresses and panties not to mention little girls necklace and earing sets! Or even at

times forcing you into the role of a blushing teenage girl shyly trying on her first

training bra or desperately trying to hide her panties from the boys in her short little

mini skirts or mini dresses as I take her out to the malls for mother daughter shopping

trips! Whatever I feel like making you do that day! To completely and totally

dominate and feminize you! It’s always been my ultimate fantasy!” She finished her

face now so red it looked like she was about to faint!

“Wow,” was all Ashley had said that day as he had sat there squirming in stupefied

silence desperately trying to relieve the growing pressure inside his own nylon briefs

or had they really been surrogate panties all this time? What would it be like to live

constantly as a woman he wondered in growing amazement? What would it be like to really

and truly be her wife for real? He could feel his penis now throbbing for relief. And

why am I so turned on about this?

And then there was the other half of the equation. How would it feel to be trapped,

treated and dressed like a little girl whenever Mary desired? To be her little baby

child playing with her dollies, always doing exactly what her Mommy told her and always

being a very good and obedient little girl if that was what Mary wished? He felt like

his maleness was about to burst right out of his briefs now. What is wrong with me he

wondered? Is her fantasy really my inner one as well?

He did worry about that last part of her confession though. If he agreed would she

really dare to take him out in public as a teen aged girl? God if they were caught? Or

was that just something they’d play out in the comfort and safety of their own home?

That he could live with provided his family never found out? But did he really want her

to take over complete and permanent control of his life like that? To be her little

girl always doing exactly what her Mommy told her just like any other feminine child?

He had the feeling that once he committed there could be no going back! But the raging

hard on he now had was refusing to take no for an answer! It could also be the ultimate


“Uh…, could we do a bit of a trial run or something first and see how it all works

out?” He had finally blurted out with his own face now turning an equally bright red to


“Oh Ashley, I love you soooo very much,” Mary had squealed, jumping up, picking him up

and hugging him deeply showing once again the disparity between her strong dominant body

and personality versus his frail and submissive one. “You’re going to be such a

wonderful wife and little baby girl! I just know it and I guarantee we’re going to have

so much fun!” And so over the course of the summer that was exactly what they had done!

To be continued in Part 2 of 3……..


Wow indeed! So Mary not only wants to have him as her wife but as her little girl as

well! Who knew? And even more surprising Ashley’s inner boy or perhaps we should say

inner girl seems to be very, very happy with that prospect? So stay tuned for Part 2 as

we see if they can both get what they truly want??? 😉

This is the first part of a three part storyline that started out as a short 350 word

commentary that I made on a piece by www.deviantart.com/sissyashley… who has some very

nice CGI femdom, cd and age regression renders. I had intended it to be a short little

piece similar to my “Sammy’s First Day of Kindergarten” or “The old Village Orphanage”

but it just kept getting bigger and bigger and it’s now become a medium length story of

about 7,500 words (14 pages) in length. Let me know what you think of it and if you’d

like any more?



For the newly emasculated and feminized gurls. The first date was always the most traumatic!


This morning I drove my Mazda SUV to McDonalds’ drive-up window for breakfast.

When I got to the window they said “no charge.”
I said: “So, I pay at the next window?”
They said: “No the gentleman behind you paid!?!?!?”
Perhaps he thought I was a woman as I did not comb my hair just going to pick up my breakfast. Strange. I don’t look or sound as feminine as Sterling Holloway–don’t confuse with Sterling Hayden–no way! (Look it up if you care.)
Appreciated the free breakfast! That was so nice compared to the deadbeats and galoots on the internet!

Yesterday I went to buy a leather couch (stimulus money!) Those jack holes I used to work for who repeatedly kept beating me out of promotions no doubt make too much money on their retirements to qualify for stimulus money! Whereas I’m just under the amount to qualify for the maximum!
Anyway, there was a very attractive 50 year old woman sitting on the leather couch

I wanted to buy. She had her hair in curls like Shirley Temple!
She said: “What a lovely couch”! I talked to her for about a minute. I told the salesman I wanted to buy the couch. “Shirley” then said ” its a really good price.”
I said to the salesman: “Is she a shill?”

Also, I’ve noticed lots of sad sacks out there, such as my best friend (miser), and my cousin.


Brie as Velma


Rebecca Starr:

Rebecca Starr

22 year old Molly Rome:

Molly Rome


Janet Mason
PTA soccer mom!


Kathia Nobil wearing crotchless pink tights!

Kathia resembles Elisabeth Moss!

Brie as Liz Moss:

20th Century Women

um hi

Brie as Princess Lay


Shirley dress


From Ilana Nash:

“When I was still too young to read, my grandmother often took me to the famed Silent Movie Theater in Los Angeles, just blocks from her house, and whispered the titles to me while I sat mesmerized by the dramatic images.”

“This study begins in 1930 because that is roughly the moment at which mass culture began to take systematic notice of teenagers as a distinct category.
“More particulary, 1930 marked the debut of Nancy Drew.”

Bonita Granville as Nancy Drew

American Sweethearts ends with 1965 because that is when the teengirl “ended,”
too; I locate the Gidget

Sally Field as Gidget

television series, which debuted in 1965, as the last moment in which the original tropes of adolescent girlhood consistently cohered.”
The teen girl “ended” in another way, too, after 1965: she was displaced as the lightning rod for popular desires and fears by her older sisters, college activists and hippies. College-aged people dominated the discursive position of youth in popular consciousness throughout the years of the counterculture.”

[Brie interjects: As a matter of fact the film “The Big T.N.T. Show” January 1966
anticipates the forthcoming changes in music. The producer of “The Big T.N.T. Show” Phil (you don’t want to be me) Spector was going to do another “Big T.N.T.” the following year, but music exploded in another direction.]


“sometimes the relationship is literalized as a father/daughter sexual couple, as in the case of Nabokov’s Lolita,


in which narrator Humbert Humbert cannot resist the charms of his “nymphet” stepdaughter.”

(From “American Sweethearts” by Ilana Nash)

Shirley Temple as Corliss Archer
Peggy Ann Garner as Judy Graves
Patty Duke as Patty Lane


Kentucky Wife Denise




“very beautiful
very sexy
very feminine
so perfect”




“Hello good Morning
welcome new friend
it will be a pleasure to have your company and friendship,
all respect you are the most beautiful of all Cloudysexy
I became your fan
kiss on your queen hand
Good Morning.
post more photos.
I melt all
with that strong and sweet look that you have.”



“The opening was very formal, but, as usual, I had no hat, stockings or gloves and was in quite a dilemma. I borrowed stockings and a girdle

from a friend.
Count Zorzi, the head of the press office and the Ambassador, who had actually extended to me the invitation, gave me stict instructions.”
(Confessions of an Art Addict” by Peggy Guggenheim)


About us (sundawg069):

“I love to wear lingerie, stocking, garters, bra and panties while we fuck. Not currently looking for a third, so please do not ask. Hope you enjoy our videos”

Hooters waitress:

Brie waitress:


Nursie Brie:


cherrylipsbaby: “”Now we’re talking! Love seeing your clitty pics!”


cherrylipsbaby: “That’s it, bend over for Daddy Princess!”



Free year-end bonus!


More Stuff

Um hi


Sissy Brie:


From out of the past “RAVAGED!”:

OLY beer really big on the west coast back then.



55 year old Janet Mason:


Sex with Debbie:



Isceljenekb: ” fucking hot!”

Brie as Patty


“Wow! You have such a strong aesthetic and sense of style and your videos really create a sense of an entire world which is so rare in most porn. And of course this is very hot! Xxx”

frilly sissy


The female of the 20th century is

Shirley Temple!


Bike tour with 71 years old bobby-soxing mom:

Magna, Cathy A., or Michele B.?




with her nylons rolled down

like me!


garterbelt nylons


Um hi


iloveyourass sez:

“i really like velma dinkley


it was very beautiful.”

I want photos of your clitors
it’s an order
my vanity
I’m your sir”



“We wanted them to look like typical bobby-soxers of the time, replete with pom-
poms, ribbons, saddle shoes, white socks, and short skirts.

We shot hours of 16mm and 8mm film of them.” (FULL SERVICE by Scotty Bowers)



” I love so many of your outfits! You look fantastic!”


dolly with doll


” This video is really hot! Wow! You look great on all fours like that”

******************************************** Alchemistsporn



“Sally Horner took her seat at the back next to a dectective assigned to guard her. She wore a blue suit, pink blouse, straw hat, and patent leather Mary Jane shoes.” (THE REAL LOLITA by Sarah Weinman)