Month: November 2014
Fantastic 26
um hi
Joan Collins
made her Hollywood debut in Howard Hawks‘s box office disaster, Land of the Pharaohs (1955)
Bobby-soxing with bowling shoes!
Bimbo bowler brie:
Los Angeles television back in the day:
5 KTLA Gene Autry’s station
9 KHJ million dollar movie! Talk shows Don Mcguire, Michael Blodgett — don’t confuse with porn actor Mike Ranger!?!?!?
11 KTTV Metromedia –Joe Pyne, Mort Sahl!!!!!!!!!!
13 KCOP Jeepers Creepers
UHF: Fantastic 26!!!!!!!!!!!
This station showed the serials I used to read about in Screen Thrills Illustrated.
Ray “Crash” Corrigan in “Undersea Kingdom, and “King of the Rocket Men, for instance. I especially liked the Republic studio robots:
Los Angeles had kid TV shows such as Sheriff (“put another candle on my birthday cake”) John, who was a sheriff, and Engineer Bill (“red light green light”), who was a railroad engineer, but there was also Soupy Sales, who was a sleazy dude living in a shack with a mean dog, and a nice dog –really low budget creativity like Earnie Kovacs, a radio in his shack even though he was on television, and his girlfriend Peaches,
who was Soupy in drag!
Mandy Tyler bobby-soxer:
Brie as Shirley: