Um hi


Sixth grade in the San Fernando Valley, somewhere adjacent to Panorama City, the year end Holidays nearing, M

(cutest girl in the school by far) is actually talking to me! On one side of the classroom there is a sign saying “Merry Christmas” ,while on the other, another reads “Happy Hanukkah”. In the not too distant future the demographics of the area would change drastically, with other people moving into this wonderful place. Anyway, somehow I drew M for a present. She is telling me just to get one of those plastic gizmos with 4 prongs on it that you pull yarn through, which can be obtained at the Nahas store (no longer exists!), while I’m thinking “Anything for you I will not disappoint.”
So, my divorced mom, who drove a T-bird sometimes with the (car’s) top off, took me to Nahas. I was intent on buying M the plastic device, but mom spotted a charm bracelet,

charm bracelet

and said it would be a much better present. I was worried about not following M’s exact instructions, but when she received the gift, she seemed delighted.

I never skipped any grades, but somehow my mom talked Kindergarten into accepting me sooner than they really wanted to. Third and Fourth grade in Military School wearing a uniform, while going past M’s house in a bus. This is the only private school of any type I ever attended. Sometime in the 1970s the Military school became a coeducational private school. Now its just a pile of rubble according to the Google satellite. Back to the public school to finish fifth and sixth grades.
Back then the mighty Public school system ruled the world, it was really something to behold.

I would soon disappear from M’s life forever, because not long after the Holidays, I went to Northern Ca to live on my father’s ranch, finishing up the sixth grade.

Brie as Shirley:

Brie as Patty:


“Cherri seeks nice black men in the Peoria Illinois area for frequent sex in front of her husband’s camera.”


and Brie


Valentine & more Mom

um hi



It’s a Small World [movie]
Buttons:  Lorraine Miller

Lorraine Miller


attended schools in Flint, MI, where she excelled in many areas including debate, singing, acting and numerous club activities. After graduating in May of 1940 from Flint Northern High, she worked as a telephone operator for Michigan Bell until she won a contest as “Rodeo Queen”. The prize was a contract with MGM in Hollywood. When she arrived in California she stayed at the “Studio Club”, a residence for young actresses. Her roommate there was Donna Reed.


In 1941 Flint celebrated “Lorraine Miller Day”, and Life magazine ran a story with pictures about her work in Hollywood. Lorraine was known for her beauty, and she has been compared to Rita Hayworth.

Harry Musk is one in a million. That means, It’s a Small World tells us, that he’s the one out of a million children who is perfectly proportioned but will never grow larger than a typical six-year-old. Adult, pint-sized Harry (Paul Dale) longs to be part of the big world. But more often than not, that world mocks him as an oddity or exploits his eagerness to be acknowledged for what he really is: a living, breathing man with normal feelings and desires. This celluloid plea for acceptance, which features Will Geer (The Waltons) and noir icon Steve Brodie (Bodyguard, Out of the Past) among the supporting players, comes from a perhaps unexpected source. William Castle – known later for creating clever ways to hype his House on Haunted Hill, 13 Ghosts and other cult faves – directs and co-writes.

A free Valentine for you:



A pregnant mommy:

pregnant mommy

 & mommy Elaine:

mommy elaine


Speaking of mom,


the explicit photos have been removed by mom:



Here is the house in Arleta (San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles Ca):


with Magna outside!


Brie as Shirley:



um hi


brie as Daphne:


It only lasted for about a year.

I think it was during the first grade.


and I formed a bond, as if we were an old married couple. Perhaps I met my soul mate, when we were too young to benefit from it?

We were almost always together. I didn’t really understand any reason for the attraction, but we were extremely comfortable together. One day the toughest kid in the school came upon us on a street corner. He seemed disturbed that I was with Patty, and started to hassle me into a fight. I was terrified as he knew ju jitsu, and I had seen him destroy another kid in a fight at school, still punching the other kid in the face even while the opponent was crying!

Amazingly, Patty stepped in between us and somehow defused the situation, knowing just what to say and how to say it.

Somehow my association with Patty suddenly ended, when I became best friends with Billy, though Billy and I were like two girls anyway!

Right! The Panorama theatre

at Nordoff St and Van Nuys Blvd

had a soundproof crying room with speakers for mommies and their babies. Also, I think there was a pizza place and a hobby shop next to the Panorama.

I remember seeing “Forbidden Planet”, “War of the Worlds”, the original “Parent Trap”, and “the Alamo!”

Once invited to sit with the girls. Magna

was the cutest girl in the school, but I thought she had a tough boyfriend, who would knock my head off!

Also, saw the sublimely prefect “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” there. Visited the old neighborhood last year (Arleta — used to be Pacoima). The Hebrew school on Beachy and Osborne is no longer there, but the building still exists. Around 1980 noticed Spanish language movies playing at the Panorama. Last year noticed the Panorama sign was still there.

Finally, saw “The Time Machine” there — going into the future where the Morlocks have taken over!


Milf bobby-soxing:


Janet Mason PTA soccer mom!

I think Janet would look really good in a tennis outfit:


Last month’s mystery photo is Sue Nero:


brie as Shirley



um hi

college girl brie


“you have legs like a girl!” (said by Billy and also by mom a few years later).


Somewhere in the San Fernando valley, when not climbing over the backyard fence, where the incinerator (banned due to smog) for burning trash used to be, and walking through the wash (flood control channel) to the liquor store on Osborne ave. for a big hunk candy bar to be washed down with Borden’s chocolate drink (geeze! What crap I used to eat!), and perusing the magazines and comic books for Donald Duck or Mad magazine – this Screen Thrills Illustrated

looks interesting, I decided one day to go over (visit isn’t the appropriate word) to M’s house down the block on Bromwich street.

M was the cutest girl not only on the block, but in the entire school.

it appeared that no one was home, where she lived down the street. So I snuck into their house through the side door off the kitchen. I was both terrified at being found out, and excited finding M’s room, I grabbed her pillow case,

stuffing it with girlie panties and socks from her dresser, also shoes and a pretty dress from her closet! I didn’t take one of her dolls because i liked M and didn’t want to hurt her at all.

Later when Billy was staying overnight at our place, I put M’s clothes (my clothes now!) on.

Just squeezing into her lovely shoes after putting on the girly socks,with the dress and panties, causing Billy to react joyfully. cuddling and getting my panties pulled down, though neither one of us knew what we were doing. If I only had known the possibilities of baby oil, then I could have made Billy forget about M!

One day after school, I was lured to Rob’s house by Billy, whereupon they shoved me into the bathroom, while  Rob’s mother’s pink baby doll nightie was thrown inside with me, just before slamming the door shut. Rob’s mom was still at work and no one else was home. They exerted their weight against the door, declaring they would not let me out until I put on the slip, panties, and the woman’s shoes that just happened to be in there! Apprehensively, I complied.

Upon letting me out, none of us had a clue as to what should happen next. They both stared at me, and demanded that I sit on their laps just like a girl! Whereupon they caressed me affectionately. Soon they were satisfied, and I put my regular clothes back on before Rob’s mother came home.
Billy was always trying to get me to take off my clothes. I guess he was just practicing for when he could get women.

Another night a few years later, I was staying at Billy’s overnight. Even though we were amazingly quiet, his mom must have had her ear pressed against the wall. When Billy whispered for me to remove my clothes, and climb into bed with him, his mom immediately came storming through the door, thereby, busting us before anything could get started.