Um hi

Sixth grade in the San Fernando Valley, somewhere adjacent to Panorama City, the year end Holidays nearing, M

(cutest girl in the school by far) is actually talking to me! On one side of the classroom there is a sign saying “Merry Christmas” ,while on the other, another reads “Happy Hanukkah”. In the not too distant future the demographics of the area would change drastically, with other people moving into this wonderful place. Anyway, somehow I drew M for a present. She is telling me just to get one of those plastic gizmos with 4 prongs on it that you pull yarn through, which can be obtained at the Nahas store (no longer exists!), while I’m thinking “Anything for you I will not disappoint.”
So, my divorced mom, who drove a T-bird sometimes with the (car’s) top off, took me to Nahas. I was intent on buying M the plastic device, but mom spotted a charm bracelet,

and said it would be a much better present. I was worried about not following M’s exact instructions, but when she received the gift, she seemed delighted.
I never skipped any grades, but somehow my mom talked Kindergarten into accepting me sooner than they really wanted to. Third and Fourth grade in Military School wearing a uniform, while going past M’s house in a bus. This is the only private school of any type I ever attended. Sometime in the 1970s the Military school became a coeducational private school. Now its just a pile of rubble according to the Google satellite. Back to the public school to finish fifth and sixth grades.
Back then the mighty Public school system ruled the world, it was really something to behold.
I would soon disappear from M’s life forever, because not long after the Holidays, I went to Northern Ca to live on my father’s ranch, finishing up the sixth grade.
Brie as Shirley:

Brie as Patty:

“Cherri seeks nice black men in the Peoria Illinois area for frequent sex in front of her husband’s camera.”

and Brie