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From Wikipedia:
“Cheryl Christina Crane (born July 25, 1943) is the only child of actress Lana Turner, from her marriage to actor-restaurateur Stephen Crane, her second husband.
On April 4, 1958, at age 14,
Cheryl Crane
stabbed her mother’s boyfriend, Johnny Stompanato, to death.The killing was ruled a justifiable homicide: she was deemed to have been protecting her mother.
Stompanato was well-known to have been abusive, extremely jealous of Turner and had previously pointed a gun at actor Sean Connery [James Bond!], her co-star in Another Time, Another Place, only to have Connery “take the gun from him, beat him and force him from the movie set” and “Scotland Yard had him deported”.
Following Stompanato’s death, Crane was made a ward of the State of California and was placed in the El Retiro School for Girls in Sylmar, Los Angeles for “psychiatric therapy” in March 1960.Six weeks later she and two other girls climbed a 10-foot wall and fled. They were eventually returned to the school after she telephoned her father. Five weeks later, she again fled the campus with two other girls. They walked into Sylmar and were driven by a new acquaintance to Beverly Hills, where they were taken into custody a few hours later after being seen near her grandmother’s home. She was released from the school in January 1961 to the custody of her mother and stepfather, Frederick D. May.
In 1969, Crane was detained by the Los Angeles Police Department when three half-grown marijuana plants were discovered in the back seat of her car.
Cheryl further alleged that she was subject to a series of sexual assaults at the hands of her stepfather and her mother’s fourth husband, actor Lex Barker [Tarzan!].
Years later, Crane publicly revealed that she had told her mother she was a lesbian and that she had taken the news well. She said she regarded Crane’s partner, Joyce “Josh” LeRoy, “as a second daughter”.
Crane currently lives in the Palm Springs, California, area, retired from real estate and is married to her long time companion Joyce “Josh” LeRoy. She has written a mystery novel titled The Bad Always Die Twice, published in 2011.”
From: DETOUR A Hollywood Story” by CHERYL CRANE:
“When she [Lana Turner] made her way to Hollywood in the thirties, that too was part of a wider migration. She had been raised dirt poor, partly in Oklahoma, but she was not one of the “Okies” described in John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath”, the hapless farmers who headed west to flee the Dust Bowl. Instead, her odyssey seems more of a piece with Nathanael West’s “The Day of the Locust”, in which people who simply did not fit in anywhere else came to California in search of magic. West saw them forming a subculture of misfits that swarmed like metaphoric locusts around America’s fantasy capital.”
“I was now about as tall as Mother, yet I still had to wear doll clothes –Mary Janes, little white socks, and horrid pinafores sashed with a bow.”
“Lynne wore saddle shoes; I still wore ankle-strap Mary Janes (but never made of patent leather, of course, since they reflected up a dress).”
“I was still allowed to wear only pastels, flat heels, and no makeup except lipstick.”
This is not Hayley mills:
“Let’s get together.”
Janet Mason PTA soccer mom!
“What you need is some government-funded job with a secretary that comes in every afternoon, strips down to the garter belt, and gets it up for you.”
“he had taken Nancy Williams to dinner at the Post House. He had purchased several drinks for her. Then he had taken her to the Lantern Lodge and undressed her and screwed the socks off her.” (The Friends of Eddie Coyle by George v. Higgins)
22 year old Dolly Little:
Tonya Winn: “Oh girl your gold flats are making me grow”
Monica Robinson:
Patty Duke’s rival played by Kathy Garver when “The Patty Duke Show” moved to LA in 1966.
Example of Patty Duke’s comedy genius: Describing a monster movie to Cathy, who missed it because she was sick.
Brie as Patty & Velma!
MATH 285G : Perelman’s proof of the Poincaré conjecture
Course description: The course will cover as much of Perelman’s proof as possible. Specific topics include: Existence theory for Ricci flow, finite time blowup in the simply connected case, Bishop-Cheeger-Gromov comparison theory, Perelman entropy, reduced length and reduced volume and applications to non-collapsing, Perelman compactness theorem, structure and asymptotics of ancient non-collapsing solutions, analysis of horns and necks, surgery.
“Mathematics is the most certain knowledge we possess.” (Bertrand Russell)