The mythical summer

(The analog days before personal computers and the internet)

um hi

I was living at the twin palms (actually had two palm trees in front) apartment on Hazletine ave in Van Nuys (Los Angeles). Had a temporary summer job, before my senior year at the university –no summer quarters back then, at a hinge factory, also in Van Nuys. The job consisted of taking the two parts of the hinge, putting them together, placing a pin in each end, and pounding the whole device together with a hammer all at once, then throwing the completed hinge into a box, repeating the entire process until either a scheduled break, lunch, or quitting time. Not too bad of a job because you got to sit at a table, while doing this. They hired a character, who said he was dishonorably discharged from the Navy for slugging an officer–something like that. Anyway this character claimed to be making “skin  flicks” (porno films) for his real job. One day an attractive female walked by, and he told us in obscene detail what he would like to do to her, and flirted with her every time she passed by the table. He didn’t last very long. I think he was fired for drinking booze out in the parking lot during lunch. Don’t know if he ever became famous in the porn industry. In the early days many of the porno stars came from New York to work in Los Angeles.

Back then what they were doing was technically illegal. So very often they liked to film in either Frisco, or Marin county to prevent the LAPD  vice squad from barging in on them.

During that summer I went with my cousin and her boyfriend to Oregon.

We were supposed to stay two weeks, but my cousin’s boyfriend got restless and was allergic to the cats.

So, we went back to LA after only a few days. Really, enjoyed myself in Oregon. The people we were staying with had moved up there from Los Angeles, and were living on welfare. They would get “commodities” such as cheese and beans. This was before Oregon went to food stamps.

Bertrand Russell’s “In Praise of Idleness” comes to mind.

Oh! One day at the temporary employment agency on Van Nuys blvd, they gave me 10 dollars to go across the street to the Bob’s Big Boy restaurant to buy donuts for the guys.

At Bob’s I purchased the donuts, and the waitress gave change for a 20 instead of for a 10.

So, I made 10 buck$ that day and had some donuts–one of my better days!

At the apartment, upstairs lived an older couple. Marge

was at least 50 years old.

Sometimes I could hear them making love. As they were doing it, Marge would sing. How very lovely, and it really turned me on, while i was wearing girlie clothes (some women’s sneakers from the Thrifty drug store, plus some stuff I had swiped from either my cousin or mom) getting off.

That summer Ginger

from the university sent me a letter. I wrote her back telling her that she should visit, and we could use the swimming pool, but she lived in San Pedro, and had the entire Pacific ocean. Don’t think she kept the letter as I am just a hack writer. She did get me to read Betty Freidan’s “Feminine Mystique”, and was trying to fix me up with her roommate — the old story. Ginger, though no great beauty like Michele (recently realized that Michele greatly resembled porn actress Hillary Summers!), but was exceedingly cute, and liked to wear tennis shoes with a skirt –no socks.

During Christmas break of our senior year, this friend of mine was giving me a ride from the dorm back to La Crescenta in his Corvair, with the 8 track player (he liked Johnny Cash –lots of hillbillies in Los Angeles, especially back then), found out that I had recently turned 21, and suggested we stop at this nude bar in Van Nuys. So, we each had a beer, while the woman on the stage  was dancing. She wasn’t entirely nude as she wore some high heels. She kept getting in the  way of the 8 millimeter stag (porno) films that were being shown, while another patron was eating a hamburger for lunch adjacent to the stage, nearly under the almost nude dancing woman.


20 year old porn actress Vanilla Simms showing how its done:


christine woods wearing saddle shoes: